Manual Page - vomit(1)

Manual Reference Pages  - vomit (1)


vomit - converts an IP phone conversation into a wave filee




vomit [-h] [-d dev] [-p wavfile] [-r file] [filter]


The vomit utility converts a G.711 conversation into a wave file that can be played with ordinary sound players. G.711 is used by Cisco IP Phones and Microsoft Netmeeting. The conversation can either be played directly from the network or from a tcpdump(8) output file.

The options are as follows:
-h Displays a short help for the command line options
-d dev Specifies the network device from which packets should be read.
-p wavfile
  Specified a wavfile that can be inserted into an ongoing phone conversation on the network. The wavfile must have a sample rate of 8 Khz and 16 bit samples.
-r file Instead of reading packets from the network, the packets are read from a tcpdump(8) dump file.
filter A valid pcap(3) filter that determines which packets contain a phone conversation.

The vomit utility is meant as a network debugging tool, and should be used only in accordance to your local laws. The playback is initiated by hitting return. Instead of just hitting return, it is possible to type the packets that should be skipped and the delay in milli seconds between playback packets. The values have to be comma separated.

Vomit uses libevent to simplify asynchronous event handling. You can find the source code for that library at


vomit -r phone.dump | waveplay -S 8000 -B 16 -C 1

Plays back the phone conversation that has been captured in the dump file phone.dump.


vomit works only for protocols that use G.711.

The public version does not support directly reading from the network or rewriting packet streams.


This program contains wave file interpreting code from waveplay by Y.Sonoda, ulaw conversion code from Sun Microsystems and some pcap code from Dug Song.


The vomit utility has been developed by Niels Provos.
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April 13, 2001 vomit (1)

Generated by manServer 1.07 from /usr/local/man/man1/vomit.1 using doc macros.

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