Black Box Mac OSX Forensics - Brian Martin Bloomcon 2017 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)
Black Box Mac OSX Forensics
Brian Martin

Bloomcon 2017

When you don't know what it is you are looking for, OSX forensics and ePreservation can be very difficult. Where do you begin? This talk examines the options and pathways an investigator can take pursuing information for legal cases when instructions are vague and damage is unknown. There are several good books available on OSX forensics, but they all operate from an assumption that the investigator knows what they are looking for. Further, because OSX doesn't preserve forensic data as liberally as Windows, digging out the facts can be painful. We will use several mainstream tools to walk through the processes for piecing together OSX activities as performed in real legal cases. The rationale for decision making will be shown as a guide through the stages and steps for obtaining the correct answers in an investigation.

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