These are the videos from the
Chicago conference. Thanks to all of the BSides organizers
@elizmmartin and
@securitymoey for having me out to help record and render the videos.
Also big thanks to the @BSidesChicago
A/V crew Chris Hawkins
@Lickitysplitted, Todd
Haverkos @phoobar, Jason Kendall
@coolacid and Asim.
Attack Paths: Breaking Into Infosec From IT Or Other Totally Different Fields - Eve Adams, JohnnyXmas - @HackerHuntress @J0hnnyXm4s (private)
Call of Community: Modern Warfare - Matt Johnson & Ben Ten - @mwjcomputing @Ben0xA
How To Win Friends and Influence Hackers - Jimmy Vo - @JimmyVo
Checklist Pentesting; Not checklist hacking - Trenton Ivey - @trentonivey
Seeing Purple: Hybrid Security Teams for the Enterprise - Belt - @b31tf4c325
Looking for the Weird - Charles Herring - @charlesherring
InfoSec Big Joke: 3rd Party Assessments - moey - @securitymoey
Bypassing EMET 4.1 - Jared DeMott - @jareddemott
Building an AppSec Program from Scratch - Chris Pfoutz - @cpfoutz
Minecraft Security - Riese Goerlich
The SMB Security Gap - Mike Kavka - @SiliconShecky
Everything I Ever Needed to Know About Infosec, I Learned from Hollywood - Tom Ervin - @TechByTom
Hacking Diversity in InfoSec - Greg Thomas - @minossec
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