These are the videos from the Bsides Cleveland conference. Thanks to JDogHerman, jayw0k & securid as the video team. Thanks to twuntymcslore & RockieBrockway for being con mom & dad.
Keynote: Destroying Education and Awareness - David Kennedy
Track 1
APT2 – Building a Resiliency Program to Protect Business - Edward McCabe
Threat Models that Exercise your SIEM and Incident Response - J. Wolfgang Goerlich and Nick Jacob
Fun with Dr. Brown - Spencer McIntyre
Malware Evolution & Epidemiology - Adam Hogan
Seeing Purple: Hybrid Security Teams for the Enterprise - Mark Kikta (Not posted)
Attacking and Defending Full Disk Encryption - Tom Kopchak
Track 2
Phishing Like a Monarch With King Phisher - Brandon Geise and Spencer McIntyre
The importance of threat intel in your information security program - Jamie Murdock
Lockade: Locksport Electronic Games - Adrian Crenshaw
Pentesting Layers 2 and 3 - Kevin Gennuso and Eric Mikulas
Cleveland Locksport - Jeff Moss, Doug Hiwiller, and Damon Ramsey
Hacking Diversity - Gregorie Thomas
PowerShell: cool $h!t - Zach Wojton
Thinking Outside the Bunker: Security as a practice, not a target - Steven Legg
Password Defense: Controls your users won’t hate - Nathaniel Maier
Am I an Imposter? - Warren Kopp
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