User Behavior Analysis - Matt Bianco BSides Columbus Ohio 2015  (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)
User Behavior Analysis
Matt Bianco
BSides Columbus Ohio 2015

In spite of large increases in company security budgets and the hiring of additional personnel, an increasing number of exponentially larger data breaches continue to occur. For the attacker, valid credentials are the most coveted item. Valid credential use by an attacker facilitates many actions in the attack chain. In spite of efforts by businesses and government agencies to train employees to be wary of social engineering schemes, human beings are fallible and will always be susceptible to attackers that will con and coerce employees into giving them their credentials. Valid credentials are the key to an attacker’s ability to stay resident inside the network for long periods of time and cause the most damage. User behavior intelligence and security session assembly can help enterprises find and root out attackers that impersonate employees.

Matt Bianco is currently a Senior Systems Engineer at Exabeam; A startup located in San Mateo California focusing on User Behavior Intelligence. He has more than 12 years of experience in the information security space and has accumulated multiple industry certifications including CISSP, EnCE, CCNA, CCNA Security as well as multiple Microsoft certifications. Prior to Exabeam, Matt was a Senior Security Engineer at Bromium and before that was the first security engineer hired at Infoblox. He spends much of his time educating and working hands-on with customers on security related issues. He has always been interested in the cutting edge products that solve those issues. When he started in the security space he spent several years working with many companies performing penetration testing, vulnerability assesments, forensics, and technical counter surveillance.

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