BSides Indy 2018 Videos (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)
BSides Indy 2018 Videos

These are the videos from the BSides Indy conference. Thanks to Frank, MzBat for having me up, and Nate for helping with AC.


Lessons Learned - A 15 year Retrospective
Price McDonald

Phishing Forensics - Is it just suspicious or is it malicious?
Matt Scheurer

Presenting P@cketR@quet: An Auditory IDS
Killian Ditch

The Pillars of Continuous Incident Response
Brad Garnett

Zero to Owned in 1 Hour: Securing Privilege in Cloud and DevOps Workflow
Brandon Traffanstedt

How I Met Your C2: From honeypots to chats
Nichole F. and Rush V.
(not recorded)

Social Engineering for the Blue Team
Timothy De Block

Leveraging DevSecOps to Escape the Hamster Wheel of Never-ending Security Fail
Chris Reed

Creating a Cyber Volunteer Department
Ray Davidson

Frank Diaz


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