These are the videos from the BSides Indy conference. Thanks to Frank, MzBat for having me up, and Nate for helping with AC.
Lessons Learned - A 15 year Retrospective
Price McDonald
Phishing Forensics - Is it just suspicious or is it malicious?
Matt Scheurer
Presenting P@cketR@quet: An Auditory IDS
Killian Ditch
The Pillars of Continuous Incident Response
Brad Garnett
Zero to Owned in 1 Hour: Securing Privilege in Cloud and DevOps Workflow
Brandon Traffanstedt
How I Met Your C2: From honeypots to chats
Nichole F. and Rush V.
(not recorded)
Social Engineering for the Blue Team
Timothy De Block
Leveraging DevSecOps to Escape the Hamster Wheel of Never-ending Security Fail
Chris Reed
Creating a Cyber Volunteer Department
Ray Davidson
If you would like to republish one of the articles from this site on your webpage or print journal please contact IronGeek.
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