Ryan Linn – collecting Underpants To Win Your Network Derbycon 2011 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)
Ryan Linn – collecting Underpants To Win Your Network
Derbycon 2011

1: Collect Packets, 2: ???, 3: Win! These demos and presentation will help you learn to passively profile a network through a new Metasploit module by gathering broadcast and multicast traffic, processing it, and looking at how the bad guys will use it to own your network. Without sending a packet, many networks divulge significant information about the assets that are attached. These broadcast packets can be used to identify hosts, OS’s, and other hardware that is attached. This presentation will show all skill levels how to easily gather and use this information, how to protect your underpants, and talk about how to extend the framework for new protocols.

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