Intro to Dynamic Access Control in Windows Server 2012 - Evan Anderson Derbycon 2013 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)
Intro to Dynamic Access Control in Windows Server 2012 - Evan Anderson
Derbycon 2013

Description: Windows Server 2012 ushers in a new type of resource access control mechanism, Dynamic Access Control, that complements the existing NTFS ACL functionality. This presentation will briefly describe the new functionality from a system administration perspective and then will dive into the nuts and bolts that make it work. Knowledge about how this new functionality works will be valuable for security architects, compliance personnel, and penetration testers.

Bio: Evan Anderson has worked in IT as a contract engineer since 1998. Presently he is a partner in Wellbury Information Services LLC of Dayton, OH, and provides network design, implementation, and system administration services to a variety of clients ranging from small business to Fortune 1000. He has performed reviews of network security architectures, application and network penetration testing, and delivered infosec-related training for clients in financial, medical, and public policy sectors.

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