Practical Attacks Against Multifactor - Josh Stone Derbycon 2015 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)
Practical Attacks Against Multifactor
Josh Stone
Derbycon 2015

"Multifactor authentication will keep the bad guys out" is the hue and cry of hardeners everywhere, so what is the pen-tester to do? This talk will present a variety of practical attacks against multifactor authentication, ranging from basic configuration oversights to attack strategies that might work forever even if they configure it right. Multiple technologies will be presented. Many people trust their MFA implicitly, as if it's a magic talisman of keeping hackers out, but there is much a pen-tester can do (and thus, much the other kind of hacker can do), and it's important to discuss and illustrate the risks. This talk should be useful for you if you're a pen-tester, but also if you are a defender trying to get the most out of your MFA.

Josh has worked in infosec for 15 years, playing parts in incident response, forensic investigation, application testing, penetration testing, and even those blurry areas like risk, audit, and GRC. His focus is network penetration testing in goal-directed scenarios. He's also an avid coder since the age of eight, and thinks a pen-test without custom code is like a day without sunshine. Right now, he gets to take PCI seriously, and regularly conducts pen-tests in some of the world's largest retailers and payment processors.

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