Out With the Old, In With the GNU - Lsly Derbycon 2017 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)
Out With the Old, In With the GNU
Derbycon 2017

In our field and related subsections, we typically don't learn from scratch. Instead, we learn from those who have been around longer through books, online resources, and person-to-person training. That said, when is "tribal knowledge" harmful? Can we improve (or remove) commands we use for a single purpose for something better? Why do people confine their use of `awk` when it can be as flush as Perl? This talk will review some simple ways we can streamline command line, by stripping down to the bare essentials. Most examples will be in Linux, however there will be other systems to explore.

Lsly is a Penetration Tester, perpetual Linux sysadmin, and multi-platform gamer. She's part of the organizing staff at Nolacon and volunteers elsewhere - giving back to her infosec family. Lsly is hungry to learn and is now working on the OT staples of ICS/SCADA. Typically you'll find her scoping out WAPs, wiggling ATM card readers, and hiding in a corner with music, a 3DS, and CTFs.


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