Getting started with the I2P Darknet (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)
Getting started with the I2P Darknet

I2P (originally standing for Invisible Internet Project) can be seen as a networking layer sitting on top of IP that uses cryptography to keep messages confidential, and multiple peer to peer network tunnels for anonymity and plausible deniability. While Tor is focused more for hiding your identity while surfing the public Internet, I2P is geared more toward networking multiple I2P users together. While you can surf to the public Internet using one of the I2P out proxies, it's meant more for hiding the identity of the providers of services (for example eepSites), sort of like Tor's concept of Hidden Services, but much faster. Another advantage I2P has is NetDB, a distributed way to let peers know about each other once initial seeding has occurred. Tor on the other hand uses it's own directory to identify servers, which in theory could be more easily blocked. Both networks have their advantages and trade offs. This video won't cover the details of I2P's peering or encryption systems, and may seem kind of rambling, but it should be enough to get you up and running on the darknet.

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