$#!T My Industry Says. . . - Kellman Meghu GrrCON 2014 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)
$#!T My Industry Says. . .
Kellman Meghu
GrrCON 2014

The Security Industry says allot of ‘stuff’ about allot of things, and most of the time it just feels like noise. What does an Internet of Things really mean? Is SDN (Software Defined Networking) something you should care about, or should we just wait for the next networking buzzword? This session explores the real, and not so real stuff my industry says from how an Advanced Persistent Threat won’t actually eat your brain, to where our security capabilities really need to be in five years. And let’s have some fun while we pick apart all this great, and not so great, ‘stuff’. Audience participation, and possibly irritation, is expected.

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