When Zombies take to the Airwaves - Hack3rcon 5 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)
When Zombies take to the Airwaves

Hack3rcon 5

In a post-apocalyptic world, communication is going to be crucial for
the survival and zombies alike. Long range, rapid, and mobile
communication is going to be a must in order to properly organize,
defend and ultimately survive. So naturally wireless communication is
going to be a critical infrastructure but how will it hold up? Can it be
leveraged to give us the upper hand?

The idea behind this talk is to demonstrate how existing 802.11
technologies can be used to not only provide the critical communication
medium needed to organize but that we can also use the same technology
to disrupt the zombies efforts to do the same.

In this talk we will look at that some of the weaknesses in wireless
technologies that can be used to compromise the zombies communications,
find their location to prepare defenses, disrupt the flow of information
and and if need be take down the entire system.

The truth, is that we already have a world full of zombies, in the form
of consumers and the threat to their beloved communication mediums
actually put them at risk. At the end of the talk I will show how this
stuff is not only possible but how it is happening in the world today.

Learning Objectives:

Understanding and leveraging the weaknesses within 802.11 allows users
to know how they are at risk and how to minimize the risk that is there.
Consumer Education

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