Science “Fair” - The Nomad Clan Notacon 11 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)
Science “Fair”
The Nomad Clan
Notacon 11

Sometimes the biggest challenge at getting young minds, let alone old ones, into science is the “It’s too hard” barrier. One day the oldest Young Nomad came home with a science fair project assignment. What followed was a journey not just of getting the project turned in, but of a family learning not only what science really is, but also how to foster science. What we discovered is there is more to science than just the physics, chemistry, biology, and any other “subject” of science. Join us as we discuss as a family what it means to make science “fair” and discover what you can do not only in your family but in your community. From the at home experiment to what options you have in your schools, you may find something new you never even considered.

The Nomad Clan is a happy go lucky family who loves to use technology and push the boundaries beyond how things are built. Whether you are talking about old devices, computers, mobile devices, or even education, we look to use things in more ways than intended. Mom and Dad Nomad love watching the 4 young Nomads learn. From their observations they also discover new ideas and ways to think. Mom Nomad is a School Neuroschool Psychologist, Dad Nomad is a Infosec Junkie, and the 4 young Nomads are avid students plus so much more.

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