OpenNSM, ContainNSM, and Docker - Jon Schipp SecureWV 2015 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)
OpenNSM, ContainNSM, and Docker
Jon Schipp

SecureWV 2015

An introduction to the OpenNSM group, and its many projects utilizing the Linux-based container runtime implementation Docker Engine in an effort to facilitate network security monitoring research, training, and deployments.

Jon Schipp is on the security operations team at the NCSA, and Directory of Security at Draconyx. He is the author of ISLET and a contributor to many free and open source projects including the Netsniff-NG Toolkit, SecurityOnion, and the Bro Project. Founder of the Open Network Security Monitoring Group (OpenNSM), a weekly research and user NSM/DFIR group without borders, along with SICKbits and multiple LUG's. Jon has written many articles, some publications, and has had the pleasure of speaking at many conferences including Derbycon, Hack3rCon, AIDE, BroCon, Ohio Linux Fest, and more. In his limited free time he enjoys death metal, philosophy, history of social and political thought, and recreational volleyball. Jon is also the Network King of the Hill winner from Hack3rCon I and is the first Hack3rCon Black Badge winner.

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