ShmooCon Firetalks 2016 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)
ShmooCon Firetalks 2016

These are the videos for the ShmooCon Firetalks 2016.

Thanks to:

Opening Red Team Upgrades Using SCCM for Malware Deployment Matt Nelson (@enigma0x3)
Jailbreaking a Digital Two-Way Radio Travis Goodspeed (@travisgoodspeed)
CheapBugs.Net - Low-End Bug Bounties for the Masses Dean Pierce (@deanpierce)
Failure to Warn You Might Get Pwned Wendy Knox Everette (@wendyck)
GreatFET, a Preview Michael Ossmann (@michaelossmann)
Fuck You, Pixalate! @da_667
DNS C&C Ron Bowes (@iagox86)

Opening & Red Team Upgrades Using SCCM for Malware Deployment
Matt Nelson

Jailbreaking a Digital Two-Way Radio
Travis Goodspeed

CheapBugs.Net - Low-End Bug Bounties for the Masses
Dean Pierce

Failure to Warn You Might Get Pwned
Wendy Knox Everette

GreatFET, a Preview
Michael Ossmann

Fuck You, Pixalate!

Ron Bowes


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