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Paros Proxy Without Changed User Agent

Paros Proxy Without Changed User Agent

        As some of you know, Paros proxy is a cool little MITM proxy for auditing web applications. It can proxy both http and https (ssl) requests, and has built in spider and scanning functionality. It's downside is that it adds the string "Paros/3.2.13" to the end of your user agent string like so:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5 Paros/3.2.13

 I noticed while surfing with Paros enabled that some pages (SANS@Home for example) would deliberately not let me view them. I found instructions on removing the user agent modification here:


and recompiled the source so it does not change the user agent string. Everything worked fine thereafter.

You can download my modified version from here:


The only change I made to the source was the line listed in the blog link above, so I hope that's good enough to comply with the license since you can get the code from Remoteroot. Just install the normal Paros and then copy the files form my zip archive over the old ones.

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