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Thumb Sucking: Automatically copying data off of USB flash drives

Thumb Sucking: Automatically copying data off of USB flash drives

        You may have heard of Hak.5's USB Switchblade or Dosk3n's Auto Hack Flash Drive that allow you to quickly dump sensitive data from a PC to your thumb drive. I started to think, what if you did the same thing in reverse? Let's say you control a public machine, you could install a daemon on it that waits for a USB flash drive to be be inserted, and when it is the daemon will copy off all of the contents. People keep a lot of private stuff on their UFDs,so this technique could be of a lot of use to a pen tester.  That why I created Thumb Suck. Thumb Suck watched for removable media to be installed, then copies the data off into a folder in the same directory as Thumb Suck named <volume name>Dump. You can download Thumb Suck and it's source from this link:

Download Thumb Suck

        You may think Thumb Suck sucks, if so you could also try Hak.5's implementation of the same idea. I was not consciously aware of Hak.5's project when I started mine.

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