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Despite publication of CVE-2007-0977, CVE-2005-2696, and CVE-2005-2428,
enterprises continue expose their users' password hashes through insecure
deployments of Lotus Notes and related products (Quickr, Sametime, etc.). Over
the past year, hashes were collected from approximately 600 sites. Vulnerable
sites are not limited to the software versions described by the CVE notices, but
also include the latest software releases from IBM. Public and private sector
across every conceivable industry with exposures were discovered. This presentation will highlight the impact of these exposures by
demonstrating techniques for discovering vulnerable web sites via web searches
(Google and ERIPP), new scripts for acquiring password hashes from web sites
were developed to accelerate download times when compared with existing scripts.
Prior work from other researchers was also used in some cases; proper
attribution will be given to these where referenced.
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Louisville / Kentuckiana Information Security Enthusiast