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How can you secure your server if you have no idea what files, registry
keys, users, groups, services, or other artifacts are created when an
application is installed' Most vendor documentation fails to detail the
intricacies of an application's installation footprint down to individual
files. This makes securing the application, not to mention the development
of enterprise policies and procedures for the application, an arduous and
ultimately ineffective task. BIO: Andrew Hay is the Director of Applied Security Research
at CloudPassage, Inc. where he leads the security research efforts for the
company. Prior to joining CloudPassage, Andrew served as a Senior Security
Analyst for 451 Research's Enterprise Security Practice (ESP) providing
technology vendors, private equity firms, venture capitalists and end users with
strategic advisory services. He is a veteran strategist with more than a decade
of experience related to endpoint, network and security management across
various product sectors.
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Louisville / Kentuckiana Information Security Enthusiast