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The information security industry is notorious for flameouts of brilliant
people. In looking back at the circumstances that lead to a dramatic situation,
we can usually find early indicators that bad things lie ahead and fail to take
timely action to avoid tripping into the abyss. In some instances, we feel that
we are trapped in the darkness and we are alone. How do we identify when we or
others near us are on a bad path' How do we recover' Once we're back in a good
mental state, what can we do to protect ourselves from the dark places' BIO: Dan has spent the past fifteen years in the information
security industry in many different roles including sales engineering, security
infrastructure management, architecture, security account delivery, and security
leadership. His current mission is to help organizations build secure data
products through tight integration of the complete tech stack and tying all
activity within the stack back to causation.
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Louisville / Kentuckiana Information Security Enthusiast