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Adam John At 40, everyone is obligated to take that mid-life look at one's self and take an account of where they have been, where they wanted to go, the bitch that is reality, and where they will probably end up. After sailing my way through the the IT and infosec worlds from techie to interacting with C levels, it's been an interesting ride with potholes and great opportunities. I'll opine about what I've found to really matter, what doesn't, and what you need to do but you don't want to. I don't have all of the answers, but I have a map that will help you get where you really should go. AJ has been around this infosec and IT thing for closing on 20 years. Amazed that he's both still "sane" and still employed, he has experience from the trenches of the lowly IT tech to explaining to Federal CISO and big company shops what they really should do, and help them get there (if they listen). I've made a point to be unconventional in the various coproarte levels that I've lived in, and it has taught me a lot of what works, what is BS and what politics can do to a person and an organization. And various stuff and nonsense in my LinkedIn profile.
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