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Active Directory- Real Defense for Domain Admins — Jason Lang (Circle City Con 2014 Videos) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Active Directory- Real Defense for Domain Admins — Jason Lang
Circle City Con 2014

Abstract: Did your AD recently get owned on a pentest? It’s always fun to see an unknown entry show up in your Domain Admins group, isn’t it? Come learn how to truly protect your organization’s IT crown jewels from some of the most popular AD attacks. If you’re stuck trying to figure out what to do with null sessions, pass the hash techniques, or protecting your Domain Admins, then this talk is for you.

Author Bio: Jason Lang (@curi0usJack) is a senior AD Security administrator at a Fortune 500 financial services company and has worked in infosec for over 10 years. Current passions include: coding (Powershell, C#), hacking away in the Offsec labs, and helping others in their infosec journey!

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