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The Art and Science of Hacking Any Organization - Tyler Wrightson Derbycon 2013 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

The Art and Science of Hacking Any Organization - Tyler Wrightson
Derbycon 2013

Description: In this talk Tyler confronts a fact that is staring us all in the face; no matter what defenses are in place any target organization can be hacked. He will review all the elements that inevitably lead to this fact, define a methodology to hack any target organization and then detail attacks that will allow you to hack any target organization, cover potential mitigating defenses and then detail how those same defenses can still be circumvented. This talk will elaborate on the previous talk given at Derbycon 2 The Reunion.

Bio: “Tyler Wrightson, Alphabet Soup, is an entrepreneur, author, speaker, instructor and the Principal Security Strategist at GreyCastle Security. Tyler has more than 12 years of information security experience across many industries including financial and healthcare. Tyler has vast experience in offensive security including penetration testing, network, wireless and physical security and social engineering. Tyler focuses on strategic security initiatives including Penetration Testing, Incident Response, policy and procedure development and Risk Management. Tyler has given presentations at conferences such as Infragard, ASIS, ISACA, Derbycon and others. Tyler is currently authoring his second book on offensive security slated to be released in the first part of 2013.”

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