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Cognitive Injection: Reprogramming the Situation-Oriented Human OS - Andy Ellis Derbycon 2013 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Cognitive Injection: Reprogramming the Situation-Oriented Human OS - Andy Ellis
Derbycon 2013

Description: “It’s a trope among security professionals that other humans – mere mundanes – don’t “”get”" security, and make foolish decisions. The human operating system has programmed itself over the last 50,000 years in ways that are understandable and manipulable.. We can dynamically reconfigure human wetware to cause them to act and react in more desirable ways. Armed with these tools, the discerning organizational hacker can treat a group of humans as we would any other legacy distributed system; one which we can upgrade and modify to solve problems in more desirable ways! Beware, though, for these systems are Byzantine, complex, and are resistant to clumsy reprogramming efforts.”

Bio: http://www.csoandy.com/

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