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Budget cuts to the left of us, layoffs to the right. Who and
what is left to protect the intellectual property? The cost to
conduct business espionage is decreasing while the cost of
containment is rising. With all these constraints, to do more
with less, we need to readdress the issues in our current
security compliance posture to refocus our capabilities.
Espionage at its root is a security concern and espionage
is a reality that every organization faces whether they are a
business or government agency. The attack principals are
utilized to gain knowledge that can be used for business
leverage, identity theft, or financial theft. Consider how many
of your competitors are using your knowledge to cut their
costs? Economic espionage includes a multitude of tactics
used to gain your trade secrets, competitive knowledge,
sources, and more. As with any security issue the key aspect
of security being a success or failure is in our human assets.
In order to secure our systems we must train and secure our
personnel. We will explore the issue from both the insider
and outsider perspectives and review what steps can be
taken to better protect against this continuing threat.
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Louisville / Kentuckiana Information Security Enthusiast