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Operating in the Shadows - Carlos Perez Derbycon 2015 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Operating in the Shadows
Carlos Perez
Derbycon 2015

This talk will focus detecting and avoiding detection on Windows based environments. Many defenders don't know what to look for and where to detect presence of an attacker in their network. Many pentesters do not even know what trail of cookie crumbs their action leave on a target network so as to recommend defenders how to better detect and mitigate. Also covered will be how to leave an even smaller footprint on the target network so as to minimize chance of detection on customer with proper security practices.

Carlos Perez is the Director of Reverse Engineering for a security vendor and cohost in the Security Weekly Podcast. He has contributed to several open source projects among them Metasploit Framework, DNS Recon and several PowerShell based modules. Her is also a PowerShell MVP with a focus on security. He has presented at Derbycon, DEFCON, Hack3rC0n and BSides.