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Tool Drop: Free as in Beer - Scot Berner Jason Lang Derbycon 2015 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Tool Drop: Free as in Beer
Scot Berner Jason Lang
Derbycon 2015

What does a year of pentesting produce? A plethora of tools and lulz. This talk will share plenty of both. We will be releasing scripts for red and blue teams that we have produced over the last year. Tools included for open source intelligence gathering, vulnerability reporting, application fingerprinting/directory bruteforcing, GPO security auditing, and credit card dumping. All tools are free and open source as they should be. This talk is exclusive to Derbycon.

Jason Lang (@curi0usJack) and Scot Berner have worked in enterprise security for over 10 years in both offensive and defensive roles. They have a passion for helping enterprise defenders who work tirelessly to protect their organizations, writing bug-free code (never happens), and telling a good story.


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