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Brutal Blogging - Go for the Jugular - Kate Brew Derbycon 2018 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Brutal Blogging - Go for the Jugular
Kate Brew
Derbycon 2018

Blogging in InfoSec is a great way to improve your visibility in the community and build personal brand. It's easy to do, but hard to do exceptionally well. I've been editor of a corporate blog for over 4 years and been blogging in InfoSec for 6 years, and I'd like to share what I've learned. Talk will focus on how to search engine optimize (SEO) your blog, how to select topics, using graphics, how to socialize and how to measure the impact of your blogs. I’ll cover the essence of an excellent job and show some examples of great blogs versus good blogs. Basically, don’t be tentative in your blogging. Have deliberate intention (what you want to accomplish) deliver with findings, research and helpful info. Don’t do clickbait! Make it so those humorless Google spiders can find your content.

Kate Brew has over 15 years experience in product management and marketing, primarily in information security. She's been editor of AlienVault's blog for over four years.


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