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Pen Testing; Red and Blue Working Together - Martin Bos Louisville InfoSec 2016 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Pen Testing; Red and Blue Working Together
Martin Bos
Louisville InfoSec 2016


Martin Bos is a Senior Principal Consultant with TrustedSec, LLC and has multiple years of experience in the Information Security industry with a focus on Red Team and Blackbox style engagements. Martin Bos was also previously a developer for both the Backtrack & Kali-Linux projects. Additionally, Martin is also one of the founders of Derbycon, an annual security conference held in Louisville, KY. Although Martin still uses the super cool hacker name Purehate, due to political sellout he can be found on the Twitters as @cantcomputer. Martin is rumored to have feelings but this can neither be confirmed nor denied.

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