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Why I am pessimistic about the future - Tom Cross PhreakNIC 16 (2012) (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Why I am pessimistic about the future - Tom Cross
PhreakNIC 16 (2012)

The victory of the netizens over SOPA and PIPA has been hailed as a revolutionary moment in which the Internet is finally coming into its own from a political standpoint. However, there are two realities that pose a threat to us in the future. The first is that the Internet community has underestimated the deeply warped perspective that people in the content industry have developed about us and the way that this perspective will motivate future attacks on our liberty. The second is that over the past few years our interactions have become mediated by a handful of technology companies whose sympathy for our freedoms may be temporary. These two forces have the potential to dramatically change the nature of the Internet in the future.

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