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Security Tips For The Small Business From 70,000 Feet - Joseph Hollingsworth and Adrian Crenshaw (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)

Security Tips For The Small Business From 70,000 Feet - Joseph Hollingsworth and Adrian Crenshaw

A little while back Joe Hollingsworth and I were interviewed for an article in the Southern Indiana Business Source. The local Kiwanis club asked for a 25 min talk on the subject of the article, so we came up with this mandate:

Given only 25 minutes, tell us what a small business could do to help their security posture.

Well, it ended up being almost 40min and we did not get through all of the slides. The live video camera failed, so the audio in this video is what the laptop recorded. It may not be something most of my readers will be interested in, but it may help you present on a similar topic.

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Louisville / Kentuckiana Information Security Enthusiast