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Cryptanalysis of the Enigma SkyDogCon 2012 (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)
Cryptanalysis of the Enigma
SkyDogCon 2012
Bob Weiss & Benjamin Gatti
Were Allen Turing to have survived to the present; he would have access to the
most powerful computers and the liberty to choose his own friends: We note that
he had neither; and yet it is significantly because of him, that we now have
both. It is an honor to present a new Open Source software and a novel technique
for cracking the Enigma cipher on the year of his Centennial.
As does Gillogy, Sullivan, Weierud, and other contemporary Enigma researchers,
We apply Index of Coincidence in various forms over a subset of the parameter
space, and promote a minority of results through a series of increasingly
exhaustive tests. To this general approach we contribute two exploits: Stecker
Isolation, which reduces the most complex module, the steckerbrett, from ~26!!
to 262 tests ; and Diagonal Conflation which prescribes a unique subset of the
ringstellung by noting their inverse effect relationship with the message
We will attempt to break a message during the talk on a laptop. To improve
performance we rely on OpenCL which provides cross platform access to GPU for
General purpose computing.
More generally, we discuss the curve of entropy, complexity and the rapid
improvement in computing power by showing that what took a national industrial
effort to achieve in the 40's can now be superseded on a laptop computer.
Benjamin Gatti was born to hippies in the late 60's, grew up in California and
taught himself electronics and software, traveled the World in the 90's, married
abroad, and settled in Charlotte, North Carolina where he works as an
independent software slacker. His hobbies include micro-controllers, music,
sustainable energy & ecovillages, hackerspaces, atheism, activism, cooking,
healing sick electronic appliances.
Bob Weiss is the founder of Password Crackers, Inc. ( and a Defcon
Goon. Bob spent his early career doing political and marketing work and lives
with his family in Gaithersburg, Maryland.