Your career isn't just going to happen? Well it is, but you might not like how it turns out on it's own. With 20+ years of career choices and 15 of those in the security space, I've found my share of land mines, odd paths and lessons learned from a variety of sources. This session aims to share those experiences through the stories of my pitfalls and triumphs. Come hack your career for the life you want to build.
About the Speaker:
Curtis Koenig is currently a Security Minion (Sr. Security Program Manager) for Mozilla.
His current focus is on the Security Lifecycle, with a goal of improving overall security quality in all Mozilla products. Curtis started his education and professional life in Microbiology, viruses of a different sort, and later moved back to his childhood passion of computers and security where he attempts to integrate his biological and scientific background to digital models. In his outside life Curtis works heavily with the Boy Scouts of America and youth of all ages to instill a love of the outdoors as well as teaching advanced leadership skills to adult leaders.