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Steganography: The art of hiding stuff in stuff so others don't find
your stuff (Hacking Illustrated Series InfoSec Tutorial Videos)
Steganography: The art of hiding stuff in stuff so others don't find your stuff
This is a
presentation I was working on for the malware class I"m enrolled in. For
some reason my voice was cracking while recording it, but I guess it was good
practice for the live version I"ll do tomorrow. Besides just an introduction to Steganography, I"ll also talk a little about my SnarlBot project that will
attempt to use stego in a command and control channel.
The art of hiding stuff in stuff so others don"t find your stuff
A little about my Botnet Stego C&C project
Some information drawn from following articles:
* Steganography is the practice of hiding data in other data in an effort to
keep 3rd parties from knowing that the intended message is even there
* Encryption's ugly step brother
* It has art aspects since human judgment is involved
Isn"t this security though obscurity?
* Sort of
* With Encryption alone, 3rd parties may not be able to read the message, but
they know one was sent
* In some cases, just being caught sending a message can bring suspicion, or
give information to the 3rd party
- Why is this person hiding something?
- Crypto laws
- Why all the communication right now?
* Resistant to "Rubber-hose Cryptanalysis"
Thanks to Marcus J. Ranum for that lovely term
About the 1st article
* "Exploring Steganography: Seeing the Unseen" was published in 1998
* Over the last 12 years, bandwidth and storage have skyrocketed
* 24bit images are common now, as are PNGs that use lossless compression
* Still, the article gives a good intro to the subject which is why I chose it
over some newer articles
* The article mostly talks about images, but Steganography can be used in many
other places
Historical examples
* Greeks and wax covered tablets
* Histiaeus and the shaved head
* Invisible inks in WWII
* Open coded messages (Pershing example)
* Microdots
* Information about pixels
LSB (Least Significant Bit) Encoding
* Can you tell the difference?
Can you tell the difference?
Digital Watermarks
* Copyright enforcement
* Redundant pattern encoding to resist data loss during resize/re-encoding
* Change the media enough to kill the watermark, the media degrades beyond the
point of usefulness (Think leaked movies)
* Access to the original image
* Statistical analysis
(source material category makes a big difference)
* Odd artifacts
Other steganography examples
* Truecrypt hidden volumes
* Office 2007 documents as ZIP archives
Putting a file inside of a DOCX, it?s just a ZIP file with some XML, just add
you inserted file name into [Content_Types].xml so the DOCX does not report as
Tacked on to image (copy /B test.jpg)
Slack space
Alternative Data Streams
More on these:
* EXIF or other Metadata
* IP over ICMP or DNS
Text Based Stego
* Most "Web 2.0" apps accept text, not necessarily images
* Text takes up little space
* Harder to encode and be stealthy
* Less bits to hide in
* In some ways harder to code from a logic standpoint
Pershing Example:
Which Character?
The key is knowing what character to pay attention to:
* Apparently neutral"s protest is thoroughly discounted and ignored. Isman hard
hit. Blockade issue affects pretext for embargo on by products, ejecting suets
and vegetable oils.
* pershingsailsfromnyjunei
* Pershing sails from NY June 1
Unicode Stego
* 65536 positions in UTF16
* Characters that look similar (homoglyphs) are encoded at multiple positions
* Using these, values can be encoded
* Example:
Code Point 65 = A
Code Point 65315 =A
My work on Unicode Stego
* The Latin alphabet is encoded more than once in Unicode, high values used to
represent 1s, lows represent 0s (most characters I could just recode as full
width Latin by adding 65248)
I can has cheese burger? How are you?
i can haz chee$e burg3r? How are you? = 01000001 = A
i can has ch3ese burger? H0w r you? = 01011010 = Z
Red are encoded
Blue characters are ones that could have been encoded, but were not needed
* Encoder and decoder will be tougher program, but I could do it all in low
* I would likely have less room to add data.
More ideas/concepts I"ve been playing with
* Simplify the language to conserve space
* Give the user a set of control characters they have to integrate into their
writing (Punctuation)
- "test" becomes ",&:!,",&"
- User adds word to the Punctuation to make it make sense:
Hi, Robin & I have been working on botnets:stegofun! Progress is slow, it's
taking a long time, it is time consuming & frustrating
- Could encode most common letters as one symbol, but that would break if crypto
were used
* Trade off between frequency of character (more data can be hidden) and ease of
writing cover text (Vanna White Problem)
Send a Zip file as an Office doc?
* Upload to Google Docs
* Email to an account that the other end checks
SnarlBot Project
* A simple botnet that uses Social Media/Web 2.0 web apps for "blind drops" as
part of the command and control channel
* Content at the blind drops use Steganography so it"s not obviously a botnet
doing the communicating
This schemes advantages
* The blind drop obfuscates who is controlling the botnet
* Proxies can be used for web traffic to further obfuscate the identity of the
bot herder
* Steganography plus encryption makes the channel hard to detect
* Social web sites like Twitter or Facebook are not as likely to be blocked as
IRC or P2P
* SSL support for the C&C provided by the web host of the blind drop
* More data has to be sent to get a message though
* The more complicated something becomes, the more bugs it will have
* May have to simplify the C&C commands
- Use single byte command: "a" for attack
- IPv4 addresses can be expressed in 4 bytes
- This make the Steganography less adaptable, but more meaning can be encoded in
less bytes
Does not use stego yet, but should be easy to add for someone that knows Ruby
* Other Steganography techniques?
* Usefulness?
* Detection?
* Other uses for research?